Wednesday, April 01, 2009

No Bad Stuff Happening Here

It's after midnight and my computer hasn't exploded. I guess we're safe. I didn't bother with any extraordinary measures other than forcing a Windows update and an AVG update on both machines this afternoon. We sit behind a firewall that is locked down pretty tight, and neither of us hang around in the sorts of places these things breed in, so I generally don't get my panties in a bunch over the buffer-overflow-exploit-of-the-week. I do wish programmers would stop using decades-old languages and tools, but that seems completely out of the question.

Once again, nothing really caught my eye while making the rounds online, other than I am still unable to get to any website hosted on Typepad. I should try it on the other computer and see if it's machine specific, but I can't imagine how that would just happen.

Made some more good progress today on the school front. One of the text books has to be the slowest read I've ever encountered, and I got bored and read through the set of encyclopedias in my bedroom when I was in middle school, so I know something about slow reads. It took me over five hours to wade through the 150 pages assigned for this week.

Well, I need to check in with the instructors and see if anything has changed in the last 24 hours.


TomboCheck said...

Ahhh come one! Sometimes the old stuff is the best stuff.

I had a client get infected with a rootkit that was created in '95 a few months ago. Try finding a removal tool for something that hasn't been actively used in 10 years. :)

Ric said...

I meant old in the PC sense of flat memory models, applications running in ring 0, etc. I have 10's of thousands of lines of COBOL code siting in my archive directory, as well as 10's of thousands more that are scattered over the northern hemisphere (some probably still running), and not a single buffer overflow in the lot.

Microsoft needs to toss the whole thing overboard and start clean with a decent language, and support for a programming model that doesn't allow applications to modify the OS or each other. Otherwise, these things will continue.

The hospital I worked at had a problem with departments hanging on to obsolete hardware/software (including a 80286 running DOS 2.x and some application by a vendor that had been out of business for a decade) and expecting us to keep it running. Y2K turned out to be a very effective tool for eliminating most of those.

The argument was always "But is still works!" Yea? Jay Leno has a steam engine car that "still works," but I doubt he drives it to the studio every day.