Sunday, August 22, 2021

Odds and Ends

Some bits I picked up from the internets:

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Hello Wordpress

 I never thought I would find myself here, but here I am. There are rumors floating about the internet that Google is considering dropping Blogger. I can find denials from high-placed officials, but we all know what those are worth. As a precaution, I copied all content from Blogger to here. Not sure what happens next; I guess I will keep both of them updated until something resolves.

Sunday, August 08, 2021

Message from Sally

This is either Sally sending me a joke from the other side, or the simulation is developing a sense of humor. Family will understand....

Saturday, August 07, 2021

Sally Otto, RIP

 A very hard day today; a funeral for someone who has been very special to me since I've been old enough to remember.

See you on the other side, Sally.

(Thanks Blogger for being too stupid to show the correct video. Here is a link to the correct video. The video below should be correct. I really need to find a better blogging platform....) [Update: You can also click on the title to open just this post and all will be right with the universe. And it also proves that I know what I'm doing unlike the morons over at Google.]

Thursday, August 05, 2021

The Word(s) of the Day

Today's Word(s) of the day is ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement). This now appears to be just the latest in a long line of serious side effects of the covid-19 "vaccines". Here's one take on where we are, how we got here, and where we may be going:

When ADE becomes too widespread to ignore and people begin to die in significant numbers, expect governments to proclaim the arrival of the predicted new hyper-lethal variant and impose a new round of shutdowns, mask mandates, and the like. The media will insist that the people who are dying are all unvaccinated as long as they can get away with it; pay attention to the vaccination status and health outcomes of people you know for a reality check. Unless some way of stopping ADE-enhanced infections can be found in a hurry, medical systems will buckle under the caseload and triage will become the order of the day. How soon this will happen, if it does, is impossible to say in advance. It’s also impossible to know in advance how soon it will become clear that the vaccines are responsible—or just how violent a backlash against the political and economic establishment this could provoke.

Good times, for sure. Stock up on beans and ramen.

Sunday, August 01, 2021

The New Hokey-Pokey


The Jab

I refused the Covid "vaccine" largely for personal reasons: I've already lost several organs and the use of my legs due to some sort of autoimmune disorder. The last thing I needed was to have myself injected with something linked to autoimmune disorders. I was simply not willing to take the risk especially given that it was completely unnecessary; I've already had and recovered from Covid-19. 

And as it turns out, the CDC now admits that after jabbing over half the country (and making billions for the virus-makers) we have evidence that the "vaccines" do nothing. They do not prevent infections or transmissions, and even the claim that they make infections less severe is looking shaky. Just to repeat, this isn't from some conspiracy theory, Q-Annon BS website. This is from the CDC. Ya know, "The Science".

All downside and no upside. No way in hell will I ever get jabbed.