Sunday, November 28, 2010

He died in a big building with patients, but that's not important right now.

Leslie Nielson, RIP.

Bad two weeks

This pay period that just ended has been the worst one for me since I started with this new job. For the whole two weeks I only got 12 bookings. Compared to last pay period that I got 45. On my 90 day review last week, I got marked down for sales quota. Only once (last pay period) did I actually make quota. I was told between now and the first of the year, it will be very slow; but after the first of the year I am expected to make quota. I certainly hope so! I would hate to lose this job because of not hitting goal the majority of the time.

As Ric mentioned our "Black Friday/Turkey Day Sale" was a bust. I know some people got some bookings, but I got nothing on Friday and only one on Saturday. Saturday I lucked out to get mostly customer service calls while Max got all the sales calls. The other girl working also mentioned he seemed to be getting all the sales calls too. I've wondered before if he doesn't sign into all our our queues. I know one other person that said she didn't think he did and he had been talked to about it before. It bothers me, but no way for me to prove it.

Hope everyone had a good turkey day and for those that braved the stores for sales on black friday, that you survived.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Puce Friday

We spent Thanksgiving with my parents over in Zephyrhills. We didn't do anything fancy; just hit a local buffet. My parents' place was too small for us to make anything like a traditional Thanksgiving meal, so we let someone else do the cooking. It was just a quick trip over and back; Debbie had to work on Black Friday and today, so we couldn't hang around for the weekend. I don't know about anywhere else, but Black Friday was a complete dud at her job. Management had been hyping it for weeks talking about how busy it was going to be. The reality? Not one single booking. Maybe today will be better.

My Black Friday consisted of staying at home and watching the annual collective insanity from a safe distance:

A Marine working a Toys for Tots drop point was stabbed by a fleeing shoplifter. Important Shoplifter Tip #27: Try to pick stores that do not have a handful of Marines standing by the door.

Line-jumpers cause a near-riot at a Toys-R-Us. Upside-down shopping carts succeeded in controlling the crowd after store employees and cops failed. Which probably says all that needs to be said about the average IQ of Black Friday shoppers.

As does the woman who thought is was a good idea to make I'll-get-a-gun threats when told to get her ass to the back of the line.

At least as far as I've heard so far, no one actually died in this year's episode of mass insanity. I have no idea why anyone in their right mind would want anything to do with this.

While we're on Black Friday, Lore Sjöberg has a bit of dark humor in this week's Alt Text. I didn't find myself laughing much; guess it was too much like a clown in the moonlight.

[If you're curious, this is puce.]

Another drug tunnel under the US/Mexico border. It's all Mexico's fault, of course. Nothing to do with the insatiable appetite in the US for all things psychoactive. Damn brown people.

Another Facebook feud, this time involving a knife and a frying pan. I think I liked it better when the internet was hard enough to use that dumb people couldn't.

GM's recent stock sale netted taxpayers less than a third of what was dumped into GM, and the original bond holders and shareholders are toast. Meanwhile the UAW rakes in the big bucks. More Chicago-style politics writ large.

There is a great deal of hype around the current round of insider trading busts. What I still don't see is the investigation into the massive fraud at places like AIG, Goldman Sachs, Citibank, BoA/Merrill Lynch, et al. This is chump change involving a handful of small fish. More theater from our over-lords.

In case anyone thinks the near-death experience of 2008 has taught the Masters of the Universe anything, you can stop being naive:

Facebook Inc.’s surging valuation is spurring shareholders to slice and dice their stock, giving investors everywhere from Silicon Valley to Wall Street a chance to bet on the company.

EB Exchange Funds LLC, based in San Francisco, as well as New York firms Felix Investments LLC and GreenCrest Capital LLC, have opened Facebook funds for investors looking to get a piece of the social-networking company and its half-billion users.

By creating derivatives of the stock, the investment firms are helping Facebook keep its shareholder count at 499 or less, the maximum number a company can have before it has to disclose results to the public. They’re also potentially creating a new class of assets for investors, letting them tap fast-growing private companies like Twitter Inc., Zynga Game Network Inc. and LinkedIn Corp. -- all valued in the billions of dollars.

I'm sure it's all done for the benefit of individual, small-time investors. There is no way the game is rigged.

In Europe, some are beginning to question whether Germany can reasonably pay all of the EU's bad debts, while Ireland continues its death spiral. Western Civ ain't looking all that good at the moment.

The TSA continues its scope-or-grope policy. Those who are supposed to be in charge are making a lot of noise while doing absolutely nothing about it. And due to my typical inattention to detail, I failed to notice the Penn Jillete story I linked to last week is over eight years old. I guess Penn got his happy ending and just dropped the whole thing. Driving it is.

I loved this article written by a college-level teacher of rhetoric. (Does such a thing even exist anymore?) On the surface, it is a hard take-down of the breathlessly optimistic Clifford Krauss article titled There Will Be Fuel. But like all quality writing, it is much more than that. I've read it twice and will likely read it again.

In local-ish news, another expressway jumper "accidentally" jumps off an overpass. (Note to the writers at The Palm Beach Post: in no sense of the word is a failed suicide attempt an accident.) This seems to be a state-wide hobby in Florida. I assume the frequency is related to the economy, and bridges are chosen because, at least around here, they are the tallest structures and are easily accessed. I don't recall this level of bridge jumpers anywhere else that we've lived. And from the same area of the state, we have a story that just doesn't add up. Guy from Arizona comes to visit family in Florida. Assumes his concealed-carry permit from Arizona is good in Florida. A bit of a dumb move. Sometimes states have reciprocal agreements about such things; sometimes they don't; sometimes they used to but since rescinded them. OK, so far just someone being bone-headed. But then you find out he's a retire cop. OK; boneheaded ex-cop. But he was also charged with carrying prescription meds without proper paperwork. Except that he wasn't. And that he supposedly had prior felonies, which seemed odd to the officer on the scene given that cop shops aren't big on hiring felons. As it turns out, he had zero priors. Even the original charge of carrying concealed without a permit is odd given that the gun wasn't concealed; he was openly carrying it (something allowed in Arizona without any paperwork whatsoever). This is just one of those stories that you know beyond all doubt that you are being fed a line of BS by someone.

And some geek news: Windows turned 25 last week. I remember Windows v1.0 (as well as IBM's TopView). Check out that PC in the video; I used one of those for many years. It took two people to move the thing. I think IBM got a deal from the military for left-over tank armor that it used to build the cases. And quickly switching from the past to the future, Audi sent a TTS up the Pike's Peak International Hill Climb without a driver. The record set by a human-driven car is in no immediate danger from robotic cars, but the first computer chess programs could be beaten by any above-average chess player. Moore's Law marches on.

And I need to knock this off and do something productive.

Friday, November 19, 2010

How to Start a Movement

TSA: Trouser Search Agency

The big news item this week is the TSA's new scope-or-grope policy; either endure an electronic strip search or get a "junk check" by a TSA perv. Several points occur to me:

Dangers of back-scatter x-ray: I think this is a red herring. If officials sources are to be trusted (which is never a given), the dosage the new machines subject you to is about 1/50 of what you are about to be exposed to while flying, and is far less than the continuous dose we were exposed to while living at one mile elevation for over two years.

The real issue with the new machines: You are being strip-searched. You are exposing your genitalia to person or persons unknown. Our over-lords try to assure us that the images have all the naughty bits obscured, that they are viewed remotely by people who can't see who is being scanned, that the images cannot be saved, that the images cannot be printed. And yet images keep popping up all over the place, some very graphic.

On being fondled by the TSA: A TSA employee who shall remain anonymous stated that no one was being groped; that the TSA agents merely run a hand up the inside of the person's thigh until they "meet resistance." Thought experiment: If I were to hop on the New York subway and run my hand up a fellow passengers inner thigh until I met resistance, I would be rightly charged with sexual assault. Based on Penn Jillete's experience with the TSA, at least the Vegas cops are willing to entertain the idea that wearing a badge doesn't exempt you from laws governing sexual assault:

The cop, the voice of sanity says, "What's wrong with you people? You can't just grab a guy's crank without his permission." I tell him that my genitals weren't grabbed and the cop says, "I don't care, you can't do that to people. That's assault and battery in my book."

The supervisor says that they'll take care of the security guy. The cop says, "I'm not leaving until Penn tells me to. Now do you want to fill out all the paper work and show up in court, because I'll be right there beside you."

There's a question I'd like to see asked by more local police and judges when dealing with any federal agency (IRS, FBI, ATF, DEA, etc.), not just the TSA: "What's wrong with you people?"

[Aside: Read Penn's entire account. It will do your soul good to see all the groveling by the TSA once they figured out they had just made a fatal PR mistake, including promises of a personal TSA escort (female) on Penn's next flight to make sure his trip is "very pleasant." One wonders just how pleasant....]

Response to all this from Big Sis: "if people want to travel by some other means," they have that right.

Yes. Yes we do. If we are lucky enough to live where there is bus or train service, we can do that. Or we can use the deadliest form of long-distance transportation: private automobile. Every time Napolitano opens her mouth, the radius of my personal no-fly zone increases.

All of this is deadly to the airlines and airports which are already on the ropes and don't need the TSA Gomer Gestapo driving away what's left of their customer base. Yesterday, the Sanford and Orlando airports both announced they would be kicking the TSA to curb at the end of the year. Best birthday present ever. I may actually become proud of our adopted home if this comes to pass.

Remember Grumpy the Clown, the illiterate clown elected to Brazil's congress on the slogan, "It can't get any worse"? Remember when I said the establishment wouldn't let him in? Well:

The Sao Paulo Electoral Court held a closed-door exam for the clown turned congressman-elect on Thursday to determine if he meets a constitutional mandate that federal lawmakers be literate.

Wanna bet that "constitutional mandate" is more like a penumbra formed by an emanation?

Orcas in New Zealand like to body-surf:

Orcas, or killer whales, positioned themselves prominently and made it clear they were the real experts -- and that no mere human on a surfboard was going to deny them whatever waves they wanted.

... since orcas can weigh up to eight tons and are atop the food chain, surfing alongside them can be unsettling, to say the least.

"Some of the surfers, like the orca, just go for it and have an absolute buzz," Visser said. "And then other surfers freak out and tell people how it was a life-threatening situation, so you get both extremes."

Sweet. I already have a DVD of me getting a belly-ride on a dolphin; I'd love to have one of me surfing with a pod of orcas. Now if I just had some clue how to surf....

According to an article on the CNBC site, 1 in 5 Americans is mentally ill. While I'm willing to support the idea that there are a lot of stupid people out there, I'm not ready to concede that 20% of the population is mentally ill (and by definition, in need of chemical treatment). Clearly, the Psychiatric Industry ® is out of control. Like the TSA, it is time and past time that the adults say, "Enough!"

Remember that place called Haiti? That had a earth quake a while back that killed a quarter million people? Now there is a cholera epidemic; 1,200 dead in a month with many more to come. Right on our doorstep while we spend blood and treasure on towel-heads. Don't get it. Guess I'm thick.

Secret Walmart survey shows inflation is already here. This is news to the ignorati, while the rest of us living in the real world have known this for a while. Welcome to reality ya pile of putzes.

The War on Normal Children (what most people refer to as "the public schools") continues:

School reverses order for student to remove American flag from his bike. If it takes mass community protests for the flock of pansies running the local school to recognize the difference between flying a foreign flag and flying the American flag, then it's time to assign them duties more fitting to their talents. Like maybe picking up litter at the local park.

Principal denies ambulance access to injured player. Because the school had a rule against motor vehicles driving on the football field. The bigger story is that yet-another high school student suffers a serious injury. Fear of (non-existent) injuries forced the elimination of science labs in our schools, yet every Friday, the relatively wide-spread carnage on athletic fields continues without question.

You've probably heard about the "miracle" Wheel of Fortune solve of a 28-character puzzle with nothing but an apostrophe and a single "L." But was it really a miracle or just something much more mundane; like work. Why is "miracle" and "cheating" always the first hypothesis considered rather than "intelligence" and "preparation"? The same with The Price is Right's miracle moment; why assume brains and hard work  when cheating provides a much sexier story (and avoids the ego-deflating admission that we couldn't duplicate the feats of others because we are dumb and lazy)?

As you probably noticed, nothing has really changed around here. I finished up my tax class on Wednesday, so other than turning in the last of the work tomorrow, I'm done with the long part. I'm still waiting to be sent the links for the on-line tests, and I need to do the sample returns. That part will likely have to wait until after Thanksgiving because the person with the keys to the office won't be around much if at all next week. Tomorrow, my parents are scheduled to show up to check out our ghetto apartment and go out to dinner with us for my birthday. We may be heading over their way for Thanksgiving, if they don't have anything else going on. Debbie has to work the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving, so we didn't have any real plans other than frozen pizzas and Hulu. We're such party animals.

That's it for now; off to read a little Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

Gotta Share

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Ric!

Happy, happy birthday to that one special guy in my life.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Finally talked Ric into making waffles this morning .....mmmmmmmmm.

Next Saturday his parents are coming over to "celebrate" Ric's birthday. They will finally get to see one of the places we live since not in Michigan. They had previously complained about not seeing any of our other places -- not even pictures. This past summer, Ric made a few picture DVD's they can "play" in the DVD player we gave them that had pictures of Arcosanti, our Prescott apartment, and our Swanzey apartment, plus ALOT more. Now, they can see in person and take their own pictures and develop them of our first Florida apartment.

It was funny when he told me about them coming over Saturday. While at work yesterday I was talking to one of my coworkers about things to do for Ric's birthday over the weekend. The last thing I came up with as a joke was to drive over to see his parents' place in Z... Hills. Steven laughed and I said, Nah, Ric would kill me! Imagine my smile when I heard his parents were coming here instead. Oh well -- Ric didn't want to spend money to do anything for his birthday. I guess we will wait and do something over Christmas and then my birthday in January.

Well--- first waffle is almost done -- gotta go enjoy!

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Warm is Back

After most of a week of below-normal temperatures, we are back where we belong in the high 70's to low 80's. I didn't know this when we moved here, but apparently Seminole county has been in a serious drought. It's hard to believe that when there is water everywhere, but They tell me that it is true. It has been a lot drier than I expected. It rained once for about two minutes in the entire month of October and we've had one day of rain so far in November. The ten-day forecast keeps showing rain about five days out, but it never gets any closer; it's been going to rain in five days for almost two weeks now.

Not much else to report as evident from the lack of posting. Debbie's work is going good; my work is non-existent other than the unpaid kind. Tax class is wrapping up; class on Monday and final exam on Wednesday. Then all that is left is the online testing, renewing my EFIN/PTIN numbers (which the IRS now charges for), and completing the 17 or 18 sample returns. I should be all set by Thanksgiving, then it's just waiting until the tax changes come out and then jumping back into the soup on January 15.

Having solved every other problem, Miami cops have declared war on unlicensed barbering:

Berry said deputies entered his store and told his barbers to stop cutting and put their hands behind their backs. As barbers sat on the ground in handcuffs, he said, deputies removed his customers — including children — from the store, and began searching workstations and checking licenses without explanation.

Barbers and witnesses at several shops told the Orlando Sentinel that deputies shouted and cursed during the raids, demanding the location of illegal drugs, which they searched for extensively. They never found more than misdemeanor amounts of marijuana at eight of the nine shops they raided.

The War on Poor Brown People continues.

There is new web browser coming out: RockMelt. To use it, you have to have a Facebook account and provide your user ID and password. I assume that somewhere in the EULA that no one will read and requires a Harvard law degree to understand if you did, you will be giving Facebook permission to data-mine everything you do on the internet rather than just what you do on Facebook. What a great idea, especially given that Facebook and its third-party partners have proven to be grossly incompetent (or profoundly malicious; take your pick) in the handling of personally identifiable information. Now combine that with this:

“It was easy to break into those Web browsers’ password storage”, says ElcomSoft leading IT security specialist, Andy Malyshev. “Compared to all the trouble we had breaking into Internet Explorer 8 protected storage, these were a piece of cake”

"Those Web browsers" are Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera. ElcomSoft is a legitimate company that sells a product intended to help businesses retrieve data they legitimately have a claim to. For example, I bought a very early version of this in order to crack the passwords a fired employee had put on all the Word documents she had created for her employer. But if it's a "piece of cake" for ElcomSoft, then it will be a "piece of cake" for anyone else. I doubt RockMelt will be any more difficult to break into than the rest of the web browsers already out there. And on a side note, never ever ever allow any web  browser to save your login information.

The second-to-last shuttle launch ever has now been pushed back to the end of November:

Engineers have found two cracks on the external tank of the space shuttle Discovery after delaying its launch until the end of this month following a hydrogen leak, NASA said Thursday.

The cracks were found late Wednesday on an aluminum strip separating the liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen tanks, after technicians removed a segment of foam insulation that developed a 51-centimeter (20-inch) fissure during the November 5 launch attempt.

I'm thinking that NASA pushing ahead with this launch by attempting a never-before-attempted on-the-pad repair would be at best reckless, and at worst, criminal.

Focusing on things NASA can do well, Opportunity is still chuggin' away on Mars covering better than the length of four football fields in a week. Spirit remains silent, but there is still hope she will wake up. I wouldn't bet on it at this point, but it was still a good run.

Remember when all we had to worry about was being turned into radioactive dust by the Ruskies?

NDM1 is an enzyme that confers resistance to one of the most potent classes of antibiotics, known as carbapenems, but what has been observed is different in many ways to what we have seen to date. This new resistance pattern has been reported in many different types of bacteria compared to previously and at least one in 10 of these NDM1-containing strains appears to be pan-resistant, which means that there is no known antibiotic that can treat it. A second concern is that there is no significant new drug development for antimicrobials. Third, this particular resistance pattern is governed by a set of genes that can move easily from one bacterium to another. Fourth, NDM1 has been found in the most commonly encountered bacterium in the human population, E. coli, which is the most common cause of bladder and kidney infections. A further concern is that of the two drugs potentially capable of treating an infection due to one of these new multiresistant strains, one of them, colistin, causes toxic effects to the kidney in about a third of people.

For most of human history, people got sick, then they either got better or they died. Seems our ability to sidestep that reality has run its course.

It's good to see the antibodies kicking in:

Hundreds of residents in Weston, Mo. -- as well as people as far away as California and -- rallied in support of Sgt. First Class C.J. Sadell, who died from injuries suffered during a surprise attack in Afghanistan.

The residents sought to block Fred Phelps, leader of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kan., and his followers from picketing Sadell’s funeral, according to the station.

The answer to people like Phelps is for the adults to forcefully say, "No!" And ridicule. Never underestimate the power of public humiliation.

Our "leaders" are now fully committed to openly printing money to solve the current "recovery." It's likely been going on secretly for at least a decade, but now any pretense that US dollars are anything but Monopoly money has been dropped. This has been tried repeatedly and it always ends the same way: Badly. But I'm sure this time will be different, which is why oil is up and treasury yields are crashing.

In other economic news, foreclosures are down due to fraudulent paper work and endless TV ads featuring lawyers willing to bugger up the foreclosure proceedings on the house you haven't made a payment on in two years. And the PIIGS are back in the news with Ireland on the brink. Good thing we're in global recovery. James Kunstler tells us how to cope:

Don't worry folks, that sound of heavy breathing you hear is the exhalations of the big banks reviving on their IV drip lines of financial liquidity. Pretty soon, the nurses will bring them Kansas City strip steak dinners, with truffled mashed potatoes, asparagus flown in from Chile, and even a nice year-2000 Clos Du Val reserve cabernet. You - you can go down to the food pantry and get yourself some government cheese. Melt it over some ranch-style Doritos and hunker down with Fox News where a dry drunk will explain to you the morbid workings of the Trilateral Commission and how the Rockefellers are scheming to take over the National Football League for the greater glory of Karl Marx while selling your daughter to Albanian white slavers. You'll think you understand the world. You'll feel fulfilled and easy in your mind.

Government cheese over Cool Ranch Doritos. Mmmmmmm. Must go to Walmart......

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Second in office

Last week I finally had a decent week for new bookings. I ended up with 25 new bookings and came in second in office after our Jamaican guy who had 27 bookings. Hopefully things will continue and I can get into the hang of this new work environment (call center) and make it work for me.

Friday, November 05, 2010

Sparky Anderson RIP

Sparky Anderson died yesterday. Sparky will always be Tiger baseball for me. I've never been a big baseball fan and barely paid attention even when Detroit won the World Series, but Sparky strolling out to the pitcher's mound has somehow been indelibly etched in my brain right next to the word "baseball."

Still nothing much to report around here; I'm still in job limbo while trying to complete my tax class, Debbie is still working at the cruise place, we still live in our ghetto apartment and we still haven't ventured any further than work and Walmart. Someday, maybe, but not today. Tomorrow isn't looking good either. For one thing, we're freezing to death down here; lows in the fifties and highs only in the mid-sixties for the next three days. Brrrrrrrr! Cold combined with general laziness doesn't make exploration likely.

Scientists continue to make progress towards a Harry Potter-esque invisibility cloak. Previous versions only worked at wavelengths longer than visible light, making them somewhat less than useful for sneaking around after curfew and pranking classmates, but the current version works for visible light. The article leaves a little vague what is meant by "works," but still. (And to be un-vague, by "a little vague" I mean "completely vague.")

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of The Future", 1961. How far are we from B5-style technomages?

In an effort to convince everyone that schools only hire First Degree Pansies as administrators, a kid was suspended for riding a horse in the parking lot. According to the school, a horse is equivalent to a "loaded firearm." This caps a week that saw a boy expelled for growing his hair out to the required length for donation to the Childhood Leukemia Foundation, and the Wakefield Track and Field boosters getting into hot water because the team's initials happen to be WTF. Remind me again why any parent would voluntarily subject their children to this passive-aggressive BS?

The biggest non-news item of the week is that the Republicans came storming back in the mid-term elections on Tuesday with a large majority in the House, a likely working majority in the Senate and the vast majority of state governorships and state houses. This is about as surprising as the massive wins for the Democrats in the 2008 elections. However, I remain to be convinced that more than a handful of those Republicans are getting the message; people didn't vote for them. This was a vote against the Nuts who missed the same message in 2008. (Election of the Nuts was a side effect of everyone voting against the Creeps.) I will be convinced when I see the following hitting the floor of both houses the first day of the new Congress: repeal of Obamacare, repeal of Dodd's financial "reform" bill, reinstatement of Glass-Steagall provisions separating investment banks from depository banks, anti-trust action against any too-big-to-fail institution with the goal of breaking it up into a number of small-enough-to-fail institutions, immediate and full disinvestment from GM and Chrysler, and an Congressional investigation into why the Justice Department has failed to criminally prosecute those involved in the massive mortgage and securities fraud. I expect to be disappointed. Oh, there will be plenty of talk about my list and more. What there won't be is any action.

A bored TSA agent decides that it would be hysterical to pretend to find cocaine in air passenger's carry-ons. I'm rolling on the floor in laughter, barely able to breath. This is one of those stories that cause you look twice then a third time to make sure you're not at The Onion. I feel so safe.

Does it ever feel like global warming is blamed for some new disaster every week or so? It's not just a feeling. A theory than can explain everything really explains nothing. And it barely deserves mentioning that the hypocrisy by our Global Warming Overlords continues:

Annual car usage (12,000 miles @ 25mpg)            9,391 [lbs CO2]
Obama Entourage to India (all sources)        27,921,100        "
U.N. Climate Confab (Copenhagen)              89,100,000       "

Now that we are closing in on the 99-week limit (remember when that seemed like forever?) on unemployment benefits for the first of the current round of unemployed, at least one state feels the need for armed guards in their unemployment offices. Probably overkill given the lethargy of Americans. I wonder how much it will take to wedge people off the couch and into the streets? Not that mobs are a good thing; the last time led to assassinations, riots and burning cities. I just can't imagine my neighbors, some of whom are so lazy that they drive to the pool located twenty steps from their apartment door and the rest are illegal immigrants, marching down the streets of Sanford. Unless free beer was involved. And a bus so there wouldn't be any actual marching.

People are still getting laid off, but we're told it's OK because the employees still working are more productive. That sounds like a good thing, but anyone who has held a job in the last ten years will tell you, it isn't. "More productive" just means they are being paid for 40 hours while working 50-60. These hours are rarely if ever tracked, so there is no possible way they are included in productivity statistics. This practice of pretending not to know that your employees are working overtime also makes enforcement of minimum wage laws impossible. [Update: just before I hit Publish, a new report shows a jump in new jobs. A bottom? Or just a blip?]

I know I'm the suspicious sort, but does anyone else find it odd that the amount of treasury bills that will be bought by the Federal Reserve with non-existent money is just about equal to what the federal government will need to borrow over the same time-period? Does that mean that our own government is acknowledging a general lack of interest by foreign governments in being our bottomless ATM? How is this "buy-back" any different from the Weimar Republic? It hasn't even happened yet and oil, gold, silver, copper, et al are jumping in price.

In food news, India's Premier announces that India needs to "scour the globe" for energy, not just for oil for transportation and coal for electrical generation, but for food production. Over the last 45 years, India's population has tripled while it's available farmland has been cut in half. The only way that can work is through massive fossil fuel consumption in agriculture. The problem is that only works as long as cheap fossil fuel is available, hence the globe scrubbing. And by good old fashioned colonialism. My irony meter just caught fire.

I was supposed to be in tax class today, but the instructor canceled again, so today will be a general-cleaning-and-job-hunting day instead.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010


What does that word mean to you?! LOL