Monday, April 06, 2009

Quick Post

Just some quick blah-age, then I need to wash dishes and make dinner:

My third class kicked in today, so don't be surprised if I disappear for long periods of time. I have about 1,000 pages of reading to get through in the next 48 hours.

Remember my post a while back criticizing how sexting cases are being handled? Well, here is another case of complete insanity. The prosecutors remarks are revealing:
[Loudoun County prosecutor James] Plowman insists he never intended to seek prison time for Oei. He would have been satisfied with a fine, probation and Oei's resignation. The case would never have gone this far, he says, if Oei had resigned when asked.

This is about naked power. It has nothing to do with (not really) naked teenagers.

Phoenix, AZ police raid a guy's house and take all his computer equipment because he blogs about police abuse. He wasn't charged or convicted of any crime. He is merely being "investigated." Sounds more like intimidation to me. Again, naked power. For the last 30 years, wearing a uniform exempts you from the rules the rest of society is forced to live by. That's not saying that all or even a majority of cops take advantage of that fact, but they enable the ones who do by closing ranks around the ever-increasing numbers of bad apples.

Changing the subject to people with real problems In Italy, there are 30,000 to 40,000 homeless, 1,500 injured, 150 dead, and counting. Holy Week will never have the same meaning for a lot of people.

Oops! Just looked at the clock and gotta go get dinner made before Debbie gets home and beats me up.

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