Friday, May 15, 2009

A Somewhat Productive Unproductive Day

I don't feel like I did anything today, but I actually put in six solid hours of "work" online. It didn't yield much (about $1/hour), but I'm not that good at what I'm supposed to be doing. The question is, can I get good enough to make it worth my time? After today, that is still an open question, although I did make a small bit of progress. Right now I'm just sort of feeling my way around. When we get back from Hawaii, I'll do a solid week of concerted effort and see if I actually get anywhere or if I'm still just spinning my wheels. Then off to the next idea. There is always another idea.

In related news, I recently got word that we should try to locate our cardboard box next to a Denny's dumpster. They have the best leavin's.

Not much else to report. I haven't even taken the time to take my usual lap around the internet today, and I should really get to bed now. So I think I will.

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