Here is the box:
First light:
Final setup as viewed from the couch:
The only problem with all this is that we are having so much fun watching Hulu full screen in 1080p (up-converted, of course, but still...) that we are getting seriously off-pace with our reading. That will get cured next week when I start back at the school thing; no fun from March 23rd through May 11th for me.
Hey, I've got Big Screen Envy. And here I thought my new 24" iMac was the bee's knees...
It's certainly nice, especially when watching videos. But the couch is so far away from the screen, the effective screen size is smaller than your 24" iMac. We've considered rearranging the living room to get the couch closer to the screen, but it works, so we'll likely leave well enough alone.
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