Friday, February 27, 2009

Rock Bottom (or sand if you prefer)

If you need any more evidence that granola crunchers really are completely nuts, then just read this. Yea. Lets go back to technology used in the first century and resulted in mass epidemics. I know the greenies think there are too many people on the planet and disease is the quickest way to eliminate them (if you doubt that, look up the history of the DDT ban), but this is just absurd. Muhammad recommended three smooth stones and I've read wilderness guides that recommend handfuls of sand for that just-scrubbed-with-a-wire-brush feeling. That would be even greener as their wouldn't be anything to launder!

Just do the rest of us a favor: If you decide to use these, mark your homes and businesses so the rest of us normal people will know to go elsewhere. A big streak of brown on the front door should do the trick....

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