Monday, February 16, 2009

Hittin' My Stride

Didn't bother going to bed last night and got a ton of school work done. I have most of the work due next Monday already in the can. I'm trying to free up at least three days between now and Sunday that I can use to focus on the 10-page end-of-class paper that is due on February 24. I have some notes put together, but I haven't looked at it in couple weeks, so I need to really focus. As soon as that paper is done, I have two other 10-pagers due March 9. Then I get a couple weeks off then start right in with two classes with a third piling on about three weeks in. Then it's all over. Sweet.

Some good news that will set the tone for 2009: Everyone knows that California is a basket case, but now Kansas is suspending tax refunds and doesn't think it can meet payroll. I doubt places like Michigan will be far behind with the auto industry imploding.

At the federal level, we have the usual figure for the total debt at something like $10 trillion (which is only through 2008; 2009 will add another $2-5 trillion to that). But it's only that small (!) because the government uses an accounting method that itsn't allowed for all but the smallest businesses. If you follow GAAP, the number is something like $65.5 trillion. For perspective, that's more than the world's entire GDP.

And Hallmark Day wouldn't be complete without a rant about sex in advertising. Anyone that knows me would hardly call me a prude, and as far as a saint's holiday being turned into blatant sex for sale, just remember the saints threw the first punch. I do, however, wonder just who is being marketed to when tampons are being advertised during Saturday morning cartoons. I would think just from a marketing budget standpoint that would problematic, aside from any moral issues.

Back to work. If I can pull another all-night session, I can have everything done by tomorrow afternoon at the latest. Then sleep and the Big Paper.

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