Of course, I'm probably just in a pissy mood for several reasons. One reason I can't go into any detail about, but I will say this: the Kalkaska Public Schools are run by the biggest bunch of morons on the planet. I don't think there is a single teacher, counselor, or administrator that has a single functioning neuron. If any school district needs to be taken over by the State of Michigan, Kalkaska does. Obviously, no one running the place knows what they are doing, and the local buck-toothed retards keep electing the same piles of wasted protoplasm to the school board. As much as it goes against everything I believe in, I do feel that at some point, the local populace proves itself to be mentally incompetent to run it's own affairs, leaving no choice but a state take-over. Genesee County is a perfect example, which is why I left. It looks like Kalkaska isn't any better.
Of course, universal suffrage is the biggest problem. If we went back to only allowing property owners or people with, say, $100K in assets to vote, a lot of this nonsense would end. Does it really make sense to have someone who is too dumb to support themselves voting for, well, for anything? Of course not, but we pretend otherwise. And I don't seem to be the only one who believes this. I know; I'm a bad person that needs to be sent off to a re-education camp, er... counseling.
The other thing making me grumpy is my job. In short, I'm done with it. There has been a civil war brewing in the Information Systems department for the last three or four months. After a group meeting/bitch session yesterday, our manager decided enough was enough and called for a managers meeting to hash things out. He was told to shove it. So, I'm leaving, probably at the end of this month. If I don't have a job, I'll use the summer to work on the house, then look for something in the fall. We have enough is savings to easily do that. I would finally get some serious work done around here and would be rid of a big source of stress in my life.
Saturday was prom day.
Our little girl, all grown up. It seems like only a few months...
Anyway, more good news out of NASA: biology on Mars. I'm telling everyone right now. This is dynamite that will blow apart Christian fundamentalism for good, and the fundamentalist churches are completely (and willfully) in the dark.
And for the truly paranoid among us, here is Vox Day's take on RealID, a national ID card being snuck through the Senate buried in a spending bill. Many Christians are glad to see such things as it means the Rapture is near. What they don't seem to realize is that nowhere does the Bible promise to Rapture the Church before things get really ugly. Not that I'm a strict pre-millennialist in any case.
And a bit from Vox Day's blog on swearing. I may not totally agree with what he is saying here, mainly because of the whole not giving offense principle, but it is true that people get a lot more bent out of shape over the f-bomb (which is never mentioned in the Bible) than blasphemy, which is repeatedly condemned.
A picture of what we can expect here in the U.S. in the near future. We could learn from Europe's mistakes and maybe avoid making at least some of the more obvious ones. Or we can continue to blindly follow them off a cliff.
And I think I will call it a night. Enjoy the reading.
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