Tuesday, September 30, 2008

On the Way Out the Door

Just some quick links to keep everyone entertained while I work my last day in the bakery:

SpaceX made it to orbit on the fourth try. Things look good if they can get a few more successes under their belt. We, as in America, badly need an alternative to NASA.

Why we need that alternative is China. Mission accomplished. They are replaying Apollo step by step. And, it seems, with significant popular support.

Meanwhile, back here in the US, at least one person is talking sense on the economy. Taxpayers should not be picking up the tab for the gross negligence of the government or private lenders.

So far today, it looks like the bottom feeders have pushed most markets up about a third of what was lost yesterday, but it isn't strong and I doubt it will be sustained. More after work when the markets are closed for the day.

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