Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Well, we got the Christmas cards done last night. We were up working on them until 1am, but at least they are done before New Years this year. Obviously, that took up the entire night, so nothing else to really report.

The Japanese continue to refine humanoid robots. Asimov is beginning to look positively prophetic. This one is replacing a receptionist. At a lease price of $100K a year, they don't quite make economic sense. Yet. Moore's Law works on the ASIMO as well as it does on desktop computers. Give it five years. The question we need to start thinking about now is what happens when there are millions of these things doing jobs that are currently being done by people. I know the standard answer from the Austrian economic school is that the people displaced by the ASIMO's will all have jobs building the ASIMO's. Or will they? Wouldn't building ASIMO's be a perfect job for an ASIMO? I don't think people yet realize that this won't be a case of guys working in the buggy factory just getting a new job across the street at the car factory.

And Fred Reed is at it again. I sit in a grey box all day, five days a week. It literally sucks the soul out of your body, leaving an empty husk. I'm not sure I want to roll back progress quite as far as Fred advocates, but I think a lot of people need to start asking hard questions about why they continue in a pointless job day after day.

That's all I have.

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