Saturday, February 05, 2005

We survived another social gathering at our house. We had about 20 people here for Nestina's birthday. Everyone seemed to have fun. Only one of Nestina's friends ended up staying all night, so we didn't get to bed too late. I had to get up somewhat early this morning so I could back up the back up sound guy (long story). I did some work on the house, Debbie drove Nestina and her friend into Kalkaska so Nestina could get her new look (different color and cut of hair). I drove back into town this afternoon to scrape the slush off the church parking lot. It has been near 50 for the last couple of days, so I'm trying to work it back down to bare blacktop before it goes back to winter again.

Beautiful, sunny day. No rush to be anywhere or do anything. I just worked on odds and ends that we need to get finished up. Nothing dramatic, just a lot of odd bits that have been hanging over my head for a while. I do need to stop playing around on the computer and figure out what I'm going to talk about during the half-time show. We are having a Superbowl party with the youth group tomorrow, and I get to be the half-time show. Maybe I'll just have a wardrobe malfunction. Anyway.

I'm still working on getting set up to post photos. It isn't hard; I'm just lazy.

In other blogging news, I got my first spam comment. So far, it's just one, but I've heard tales of bloggers having their entire day eaten alive by deleting spam comments until they give up and restrict comments to just members of the blog. I don't want to do that, but it may come to that.

That's all I have for today.

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