Sunday, June 02, 2013

The Rains Arrive

June 1st is the official start of the wet/hurricane season here in central Florida. It blew in with a vengeance today. The sky started clouding up around five in the afternoon and by 6:30pm, it was full-on monsooning and kept at it for over five hours. At least I won't need to worry about watering plants for a while.

Meanwhile, I've been making steady if slow progress on the Florida room. The front two-thirds is nearly ready for the final layer of plywood/insulation prior to hanging drywall. All that's left to do is the final caulking and taping to seal everything up:

The rest of the Florida room will involve cutting fewer pieces of foam, but they will all be much more of a pain to install. I'm figuring another week to get that ready for its final layer. After that, we will be returning our focus to the outside of the trailer. We have to get the wooden parts of the porch cleaned and treated, and we need to get "the guys" back out here to hang siding on everything. After that, we'll likely take a break from the big projects and get back into building planting beds.

We had a visitor while we were eating lunch on the porch around the middle of the week:

The picture sucks mostly due to being taken with the zoom at 400 mm, hand-held, then cropped down to around 600K pixels. He was hiding himself and his mate from a hawk, possibly a red-shouldered hawk or Coopers hawk. We didn't get a good look at it, but we've seen both hanging around in the woods next to our place, taking out other birds. That's one of the primary reasons I haven't bothered with a bird feeder; it would end up being a hawk feeder.

Well, off to bed.

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