First off, this is being typed with my new
Logitech diNovo Edge Keyboard
. The tracking information said it would be here tomorrow, but it showed up today. This is one of the reasons I don't bother paying for second-day from Amazon. The free shipping gets my stuff to me by the second day about half the time, and always by the third. There must be an Amazon warehouse somewhere near Phoenix. Anyway, it is so good to have a keyboard that actually registers all my keystrokes no matter how fast I get going. The keys are full-sized and have a nice feel. All the function keys are in their "normal" places. I even like the mush pad. Normally I hate the things, but this one works more like a trackball and doesn't seem to suffer from the hyper-sensitivity of other mush pads. All of them I've used have turned even the slightest touch (or in the case of our Dell laptop, being within 1/2" of the mush pad) into a mouse click.
We ventured out today for some stuff Debbie needed for the card party she is going to tomorrow. When we drove by my last job, the place was locked up tight with a big For Sale sign in the window. I guess running a restaurant proved to require a little more than the "common sense" the owners claimed was all they needed to make a go of the place when they fired the manager and run off, fired or laid off every experienced person working there. Ah well.
The official Prescott thermometer shows 99 degrees (37C) for the high today. At least the humidity is below 20% today. This is supposed to continue through the weekend. We'll probably try to stay in the cave as much as possible or limit our venturing out to early morning or late evening. Besides, I have to mess with the new toy and I can't do that if I'm out and about.
Well, that's about all I have to say for now.
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