Sunday, January 07, 2007

Outlaw High Heels!

I got this from a rather strange book that Debbie was reading by Tamar Myers titled Grape Expectations:
Sexy shoes, indeed. Don't even get me started - oops, too late. Take high heels, for instance. The make your feet hurt, so you take them off, and then, since you're already half-undressed, you take everything off, and that leads to the horizontal hootchy-kootchy, which leads to unmarried mothers, which leads to undisciplined children, which leads to crime. If you boil all that down you're left with the simple equation: high heels lead to murder. If you ask me, any shoe with a heel higher than an inch should be outlawed. Now where was I?
As I said, strange book.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am new at this behavior "blogging" so please tolerate me if my blog etiquette is wrong.

Are there any retrospective studies analyzing the incidence of felonious behaviors in the progeny of unmarried vs. married mothers?