Friday, April 02, 2004

Another class in the bag and another uneventful ride home. We made good time and I was home in bed by 1:30am. I got into work around 9:30am, so I won't have to be here half the night trying to get 8 hours in. Not much else planned for tonight other than relaxing. My sister and brother-in-law were called out of town unexpectedly, so Debbie will be staying at their house because my youngest niece is afraid to be home alone. But she's old enough to drive. Go figure.

Weather is still looking good. Most of the mud has dried up on our road although we still have some serious holes left over from snowplowing. I'll need to do some serious gravel work this summer as well as move a lot of trees and brush back away from the road. Plowing was a joke this winter because I have about half as much room as I need to stack snow. We won't be doing any real work on the house this summer, so I should have lots of time and money for working on the road and our drives between now and November.


It seems the Iraqis in Fallujah learned the lessons of Somalia well: mutilate some American bodies and we will run screaming to the hills. American as Empire. Right. A prediction: nothing will be done about this barbarism. It will just slide because our entire political structure and the upper command of our military has been castrated. We are a feminine society and will act the part in full. If there were anyone left in a position of authority that had balls between their legs, this, or something like it, is what would happen to Fallujah:

1. The US military surrounds Fallujah, cuts off all utilities, food, etc., and shoots anyone that tries to enter or leave.

2. We give the residents of Fallujah 48 hours to present the bodies of every person photographed in the mob. I don't care if they are 12 years old or 200. Every. Last. One. Dead and delivered.

3. Failing that, we move in and systematically dismantle the place until we find who we are looking for.

If we don't find every last one of them, the town of Fallujah will cease to exist. It wouldn't be the first time in history that has happened. One would hope the collective IQ of Fallujah residents would be high enough that step 3 wouldn't be necessary, but we are talking about Muslims, not regular people.

The US Postal Service continues to set the gold standard for callous treatment of front-line employees. If a private employer acted this way, every member of the management team would be brought up on criminal charges. But given this is the post office we are talking about, they will instead receive bonuses and promotions for bravely ordering others to stay at their posts while hiding in a safe office.

Speaking of the feminization of America, Fred Reed has another column sure to cause much wailing and gnashing of teeth in certain feminist organizations. Note what he concludes: not that the guy way of thinking is any more or less rational than the female way, but the results of doing things the female way may not be satisfactory for men or women.


More water on Mars. Just keeps getting better and better.

Here's one for the books: WorldNetDaily is whining because a site that gives tips to teachers who are teaching biology mentions that many Christians don't have a problem with evolution. WorldNetDaily claims this is misuse of taxpayer funds because is mixes church and state. No, it makes a statement that also happens to be a provable fact: most Jewish and Christian denominations have no problem with evolution. There isn't anything on this page that could possibly be construed as teaching a religious viewpoint, or promoting a given religious group. I usually expect more from WorldNetDaily, but I find this disappointing to say the least. I know many people who are devote Christians that believe in an ancient earth and common decent. So do I, for that matter. Claiming that a web site maintained on a U of C-Berkeley server that states that fact is violating the separation of church and state is just too far out there to be believed. If this is the best the Christian and/or Conservative communities can come up with, they may as well pack it in now and save everyone the trouble. By this interpretation, Berkeley should not allow Christian groups to meet on campus, which I'm sure would ruffle feathers at WND headquarters.

Well, that should keep everyone busy for a while.

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