Sunday, January 21, 2007

Anarcho-Tyranny Rules in Michigan

One reason we selected Arizona is that the state government and courts tend to be slightly more libertarian than the rest of the country. Not perfect, by any means, and they seem to be learning some bad habits from places like California. I expect that Arizona is just "behind" the rest of the nation and will eventually catch up. And yes, despair is still a sin. In any case, two news items indicate that we made the right choice:

Michigan's Court of Appeals finds that adultery is criminal sexual conduct, even if both partners are consenting.

Michigan's Court of Appeals finds that a teacher found innocent on child porn charges must still be listed in the public sex offender registry.

Huh. Good luck with that, Michigan. You get more like California every day. The Land of Fruits and Nuts Part II. Lucky for us, the world is a big place.

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