Friday, November 28, 2008

Locked out

Well, we had an interesting Thanksgiving. We started good with doing laundry to get it out of our hair early. The big problem was when we both went down to get things out of the dryer -- somehow -- our door locked behind us! We stood there laughing and blaming each other for locking the door --- neither of us can remember pushing in the button. I was in my shorts and Ric in his sweats with just socks on.....we looked like something the cat dragged in. Oh well --- I sweet talked Ric into going to knock on some apt doors to find anybody at home. On the third try, we found somebody and he had our landlord's cell phone number. He called for us and luckily they were just leaving there place to go someplace for dinner. He was at the complex in about 10 minutes. Talk about embarrassing!

Of course, I told Ric we should blame our landlord for our problem. If he would get the lock fixed on the laundry room, we would ALWAYS have our keys when going down to the laundry room. When Jim came over -- we didn't mention it though. :-)

I did buy a spiral cut ham and some potatoes to cook for dinner. (We didn't have any frozen pizzas in the freezer!) We figured out how long the ham would be and got that in okay. Then I went to look up some slow cooker recipes for potatoes. I found one that sounded pretty good that had sour cream and cheddar cheese soup in them. By the time we got the potatoes cleaned and quartered and going and read the recipe about how long they would take......they ended up being done about 2 hrs after the ham.

Today at work was pretty slow for travel and the auto travel/trip tik people. I had two whole phone calls before 130pm! And I was the only travel agent until 1p. I asked to leave early and permission was granted. Hopefully next week starts picking back up again. I know I have pushed alot of call backs until after, at least I will have some follow up calls to do to try to drum up some business.

Take care and I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and will have a great weekend. Go out and buy something today to help with "black Friday". Traffic was pretty steady around our mall and the Prescott Gateway mall at lunch time --- so somebody is out to at least window shop.

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