Thursday, January 05, 2006

Nothing to really report today. I worked late last night installing the updates for the 2005 1099 forms at work. When I got home, Nestina called from Kalkaska and asked if I could pick up her and a friend so the other friend she was with wouldn't have to drive on our nasty road at night. By the time all that was done, it was close to midnight. Of course that meant that I wasn't tired, so I sat up for a bit, then fell in bed around 1:30AM or so.

I also did some reorganization of this sight. I had previously had several pages of off-site links that were hold-over's from my old web site. A lot of the links were dead or sites I hadn't visited in years. After some sorting, I had whittled them down to a list that would fit on the side bar of this page, which makes them easier to maintain as well as more convenient.

The big news is that Back Woods Book Exchange is back on line at Hop on over and take a look. I only have a dozen books set up so far, but there will eventually be over a thousand titles. The data entry is a bit slow, so don't expect to see everything there all at once, but I hope to get a big chunk up this weekend, then slow, steady progress on the rest. I will also be tossing stuff up on our ebay account as well. The two sites are both ebay sites, but doesn't allow me to list old books without ISBN's or multi-book sets as a single item. Those will go on ebay, along with a lot of non-book odds and ends.

Tonight, I'm hoping for an early night in bed, and not much else.

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