Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I'm starting to think that the presidential two-term limit is unnecessary. Every two-term president in my lifetime has crashed and burned at some point in their second term. Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, and now Bush. But even Bush's wiretap problem seems to be taking a back seat to a very big wrecking-ball; namely, The Abramoff Affair, which seems on-course to make wiretapping seem quaint and semen-stained dresses downright provincial. I say that not because the idea of politicians being bought and sold like cattle is in any way stunning. That's been going on so long and so openly, you would have to be incredibly naive to be surprised. What I think will shock people is the realization by Joe Sixpack that what happens in the voting booth makes no difference at the Federal level. The same group of people from both major parties floats in and out of elected office, political appointments, lobbying firms, advisory committees, etc., working an agenda that is provably not in the interest of the average voter.

It's looking more and more like it will be Hillary in 2008. It looks to get interesting, as in the Chinese curse.

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