[Originally posted at LiveJournal]
something different; instead of doing my rough draft in the on-line
editor; I'm trying out writing at least the first draft on my computer,
then copy over to LiveJournal. That way, no matter what happens, I at
least have a draft. I've been using Evernote pretty much since the day
it was first released for any and everything. I like the editor and it
does most everything I would ever need it to do for a blog post. I
noticed that LiveJournal has some "off-line" editing tools, but I
figured why go to all the trouble of installing and learning yet-another
piece of software when I already had something that will probably do
the trick. What will be interesting is to see how formatting copies over
to the LiveJournal editor. I assume at this point, everything uses some
form of HTML for text formatting, but these things never seem to work
100%. Excuse some testing:
This is bold.
This is Italics.
This is a link to some random web page.
This is just some regular text:
And then a quoted text block. (Oops; can't seem to do that in Evernote.)
Let's give this a shot.Not horrible. There may be some clean-up, and I'll have to do some poking around on the block quote deal, but I think we have a winner!
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