Thursday, September 18, 2008

A (Mostly) Bad Day

The good part of today was my job interview this morning at the cafe. I think it went pretty well. I'll know something Saturday. Fingers crossed.

Another bad day at the bakery. We didn't have any real customers after 2pm, and damn few before that. Get home and jump on the internet to find that the Dow is now down 800 points on the week and every credit market indicator is in the red zone.

Then we have Palin's private e-mail account hacked. This could be interesting in many ways. First of all, the hacking itself is clearly illegal, and it looks as if there were enough tracks left behind to track back to the hackers. A lot of that depends on the competence of the FBI, and we know their record on tech crime can be best described as "uneven." Who is at the end of the trail is also interesting to speculate about. If he/she has even the most tenuous connection to the Obama camp.... Then there is the issue of what was in Palin's personal e-mail account. All e-mails that concern government business are, by law, required to be sent from a government account so there is a permanent record. From all appearances, Palin has been conducting government business through her personal Yahoo account.

So depending on what comes of this, one side may get a big surge, or they may just deliver simultanious death blows to each other.

Moral defectives to the last person.

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