Tuesday, July 10, 2007

First Post from the New Me

Like most people on the internet, I accumulate identities the way a Louisiana windshield accumulates bug guts. Through some accident of history (or, more likely my increasing forgetfulness) I wound up with two Google ID's; one that owns this site, and a different one that contains pretty much the rest of my life. As Google takes over more and more of the universe, this split personality has been getting progressively more irritating until I finally decided to take action. I have now invited myself to be a contributor to my own blog. No one should notice any difference, which is certainly no guarantee there won't be. But the process was somewhat disturbing in retrospect:

1. Log into Google/Blogger as me.
2. Invite my other me to be a contributor.
3. Log into Yahoo! Mail as my other-other me to acknowledge my invitation to myself.
4. Realize I'm still logged into Google as me.
5. Log me out of Google.
6. Log my other me into Google.
7. Acknowledge my invitation to myself to post on my own blog.
8. Log back out of Google as my other me and back into Google as me.
9. Go into the Blogger administrative tools to give my other me admin rights to my own blog.
10. Sit quietly for 10 minutes so my head doesn't explode.

Am I the only one having these issues?


Tom said...

You are not alone. I have been trying to figure out how to get rid of my old google me and mainstream the new google me, but I have not had any luck. I will cut and paste your handy guide to insanity and try it out when I have a couple of hours to waste!

Ric said...

It wouldn't get so bad if Google would quit eating every web startup in site. And I still have my other other me on Yahoo for e-mail and our Flickr page (which was also a startup until it was eaten by Yahoo). Now if either Yahoo and Google would merge so I had one user ID for everything, life would begin to return to some sort of normal.

If you get stuck, drop a note.